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Part 10 of 29 in the Series Mysterious Pen by Haiman Raees


Some people are seeking power 

While others depends on power 

We all strive to attend power 

As if its simple like takin a shower 

As such, only few understands power. 

Real power recognize real power 

The powerful seek more power 

For those that relies on power 

Are nothing without the power 

As such, most were hanged over. 

Power is alot more like a fire 

It consumes all your desire 

It sucks your blood like vampire 

And before you build an empire 

It may force you early to retire. 

Power is useless in the wrong hands 

Power is moderate in a righteous hands 

Power is dangerous in the hands of fools 

It’s destructive in a selfish’s hands 

It is wonderful to him who sees behind himself. 

We all are fighting for power 

And will continue to it ever

Like the flow of a dam or river 

But we all have some power 

The power to be good or a deceiver. 

But know that with great power 

Comes a responsibility greater

Than what anyone can deliver 

Such like an ant in the river 

Trying to save a swimmer. 

Power is desirable to attend 

But it is useless if you can’t use it 

It is not something to recommend 

If the struggle is not worth it 

Or else you will regret it. 

Power comes with a wisdom 

You have two choices within you 

Change is in your hands and you know it well 

There are many reasons for which you do not dwell 

Yet Power is waiting for you to go home. 

God has given each of us the power 

To live our lives though not forever 

Nobody is powerful than you

If you really trust in God 

For nobody is more powerful than God. 

<< Mysterious Pen 9Mysterious Pen 11 >>

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