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Part 11 of 50 in the Series Voice of Love by Haiman Raees

The Pain Of Love

That grieving for hours without you 

Crying for your one hug 

Looking at you with that wish 

Looking at you with that desire 

I thought our love will culminate 

Our love will grow forever with time 

But I knew it was not meant to be 

It was never meant to be destined 

I have lost all the passion and chase 

I have lost all the love in my heart 

You are no more a part of my life 

And my heart is not the same 


My heart is not the same 

I have forever lost a name 

I was searching for that smile 

I was longing for your love all the while 

Things have really changed now 

Times have always changed 

You have left me in state so bad 

You have left me estranged 

Can’t ask for anything else from you 

Expect from the memories that are mine 

I am very heartbroken today 

Now My heart is in pieces 


My heart is in pieces since you left 

Leaving me in a state of deft 

I hardly can speak in this state 

I hardly can react in this phase 

I believed that true love is true 

I believed I have a heart only for you 

You broke it so bad that now 

I do not trust on the word love anymore 

You broke my heart and left me in pain 

I am crying all the tears in vain 

So bad that I can hardly react 

So bad that you don’t understand 


Don’t do this I want to tell you 

My love for you was only true 

I am heartbroken in blue

My heart still yearns for you 

The value of every tear I shed for you 

Could have easily given a vain 

That my love was so pure for you 

My love was so real and you knew 

The way you broke my heart 

I felt so much apart 

The way you broke my trust 

I could not believe it much 


I will not love anyone in life 

And I know that for sure

My love I loved you so much 

My heart still longs for you 

And my body still longs for your touch 

But you broke my heart and left me sad 

And it did feel very bad 

As I was already into pain 

And I became so numb because of you 

The pain of loving you 

It was my mistake that I trusted you

When the heart is tough 

<< Voice Of Love 10Voice Of Love 12 >>

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