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Part 18 of 29 in the Series Mysterious Pen by Haiman Raees


 In shadows cast, a prideful soul,

With scorn, some hearts shall judge,

But hidden depths within the whole,

Their virtues they begrudge.

Beneath the storm of whispered doubt,

They stand with heads held high,

Yet prejudice, they must surmount,

To reach their dreams on high.

Through envious eyes, they’re seen askance,

A target for disdain,

Yet, strength resides in humble stance,

Unyielding, they remain.

With valor, they rise above the strife,

To claim their destined throne,

Their inner light, a beacon rife,

In darkness they have grown.

In moonlit fields, their footsteps dance,

Unfazed by taunts that chime,

For in their hearts, they hold a chance,

To conquer doubt with time.

They bear the weight of critics’ cries,

With grace, they stay composed,

Through assonance, their spirit flies,

In melodies disclosed.

The world may judge with piercing tongue,

But still, they shall not sway,

In quiet strength, their souls are strung,

They’ll rise come what may.

The pinnacle of virtue reached,

In tranquil depths they glide,

In humble pride, they stand, impeached,

An emblem of true pride.

As anti-climax meets the ear,

The crescendo takes flight,

In humble pride, there’s naught to fear,

A symphony of might.

In wisdom’s grasp, they find their peace,

No need to prove or vie,

Their light shall nevermore decrease,

In humble pride, they lie.

With alliteration’s gentle flow,

Their essence does persist,

Through life’s tempestuous ebb and flow,

In humble pride, they’ll persist.

So let not judgement cloud your gaze,

Nor envy cloud your mind,

For in humility’s embrace,

True greatness, you shall find.

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