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Part 22 of 29 in the Series Mysterious Pen by Haiman Raees


Ink flows from the nib, a dance of grace,

The pen, a vessel for thoughts to embrace.

With every stroke, a story takes flight,

Words intertwine, painting worlds so bright.

A faithful companion, through joy and strife,

The pen captures moments, the essence of life.

It weaves emotions, like threads in a loom,

Expressing love, or piercing through gloom.

In hands of poets, it becomes a sword,

Unleashing verses, with power untoward.

With wisdom’s ink, it scripts tales of old,

Unfolding mysteries, yet to be told.

The pen, a conduit for dreams to unfold,

A silent confidant, secrets it holds.

It whispers secrets, only paper can hear,

A trusted ally, wiping away every tear.

Oh, humble pen, a creator’s best friend,

With you, imagination knows no end.

Through your ink, worlds are born anew,

Forever grateful, for all that you do.

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