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Part 17 of 33 in the Series Our Friendship by Fadimafayau

What! Are you calling me a mad person,” Fatahurrahman said, his eyes  wide open. “Well if that’s what you think,” Ayatullah said laughing and rushed away.

Fatahurrahman rose up and followed him, saying “let’s face this, man to man. Why are you running away?”

Fatahurrahman was Ayatollah’s childhood friend and his current best friend, he studied Architecture and forced Ayatullah to have a diploma in the course, as he also had a diploma in what Ayatullah studied, though they are quite different but have the best friendship ever.

Fatahurrahman was now a lecturer at ABU zaria faculty of Environmental management, Department of Architecture. I can therefore simply say he’s Ayatollah’s lecturer now.

“Am in dubiety, are you sure you are in level 200, yesterday was my third time in that class.” Fatahurrahman who laid on Ayatollah’s bed after following him in said

Ayatullah rubbed his hair before saying “look at you, how can you see me out of hundreds of students.”

“Okay, what’s my last topic of discussion?” Fatahurrahman, who pinned Ayatullah with his narrow eyes, said.

“Look this is not a school, we are friends here, not students and teachers,” Ayatullah replied tiredly.

“But”…..”please leave me, I tired” Ayatullah cut him at the same time pulling him up.

“So you got the gut to send me away, is this  your way of telling me you do not miss me…?” Ayatullah pointed at  him “just look at you, how can I miss a man, are you mad?” he said laughing.

“Ok let me go,” he picked Ayatollah’s cap on bedside drawer, “I like this,”…. “

I just knew it, you won’t visit without taking my things.” Ayatullah said grinning.


Ayatullah decided to Approach them again about the papers, as such he would be able to see her face one more time.

Like every class heretofore a lecturer arrived, half of the students will remain out of class chattering, while fewer will remain in, to avoid coincidence. Ummi and khadija are among those who remained in class.

They were seated like all the time in the front seat, when Ummi saw him coming their way, she only glanced at him then lowered her eyes, to her surprise her heart kept pounding, why does my heart surge whenever I see or hear his voice.

Announcing his arrival to them  is what he did as he come closer, like always  Ummi answered in a law voice, while khadija welcome him in a way he can hear, and tapped her forehead “oh my God seeing you remind me about the papers, maybe it’s because you never call to remind us.” She said in disappointment.

He smiled, ” I haven’t called  because you said you will call first, so I don’t want to be a burden.” Ayatullah said

“Am sorry I am the kind of person that forgets important things all the time, but you can come back tomorrow, I will bring the papers.”

“Ok thank you,” he said grin on his face, and  turned his back to leave 

“I got some for you” Ummi’s voice stopped him”, he collected the papers happily and thanked her.

She added  “I think you can manage this, before she brings the ones she has.” She said softly.

what a day her voice was for free, he thanked them and left.

What made his day the most, is the fact that Ummi hasn’t forgotten about the papers.

From there he moved directly to level 200 lecture room, as he decided to be a serious student he  didn’t want his fiasco to disillusioned his Dad.

On his way to the class he saw Fatahurrahman  lecturing as he approached closer, he had no choice but to turn and leave as he knew Fatahu would surely ask him about the last topic of discussion. Which he doesn’t know.

He stayed not too far from the class waiting for the next lecturer, as he was still waiting he saw Khadija coming his way.

“Hi!” She said, her face plastered with a smile.

Hi!” He replied back where is your friend he added.

Oh she’s at class I have some business there she pointed to the twin theater, she said before leaving. 

Ayatullah stroll to their lecture room after Fatahurrahman was out it was unfortunate for him to make an eye contact with Fatahu, who leaned away from him as he passed, his face pinched as if Ayatu smell something foul, “so you won’t stop skipping classes ?” He did not reply rather moved.

He sat for about 30min in their class waiting for the lecturer, until their class captain announced that the lecturer will not come that he fixes next week Friday for the next class.

Ayatullah used that opportunity and asked some of his mates about what was done previously in his absence, the way he saw a lot of handouts made him know he was left behind, he needed to put more efforts to catch on.

He borrowed some handouts to photocopy, it’s on his way to the photocopy shop that he saw Ummi sitting alone, he could remember seeing Khadija earlier so she’s not yet back he thought.

Her gaze was on her phone, she did not see him coming, rather the scent of his perfume made her realize his present like always her heart surge after noticing who is standing before her.

“May I sit?” he asked his eyes pinned on her, she look at the seat heretofore razing her gaze to look at him, only to fortuitously make an eye contact, “This man was a charm to be sure, he was the man of any girl dream, what’s wrong with you?,” her inner self asked so she quickly pushed  away the thought  and say why not, a grin on her face.

“So you are alone.” He said after a few minutes of silence.

“Yep, khadija has lectures,” she replied shortly.

 “I never know so you guys are from different departments” he asked.

“No, we are succeeding with different courses as she doesn’t like my choice nor do I like the courses she chooses.”

“Oh my goodness, her voice was so cool” she’s not only beautiful by face, she also got such nice voice that took away most of his thought, she look at him and smile then continued  pressing her phone, he felt emotionally paralysed everything about her was captivating

What should I do, to hear more of her voice he asked himself, “just keep chatting his mind advice.”

“I think you are a lot different from your friend” he broke the silence.

“She rolls her eyes, but I think we are only different in one thing” she said.

He looked at her his head slightly sideways and his eyebrows raised, singing what’s that.

“Well to me we do not have any difference, but people said she’s affable and am not.”

He smiled, “being affable and not means alot but let say it’s only two.”

“Ok, what’s the second one?” she asked.

“You do not like the same courses, You register different courses to succeed with” he said jokingly.

 “You must be funny,” she said, smiling.

“May I ask for a favor,” he said after gathering a lot of courage.

“Why not?” she said shortly.

“As I am let behind in our class, can you please be my Tutor?”

“Way he pinned her with his eyes left her with no choice but to say yes.”

“You bring your timetable, so we compare it with ours so we can find the same free time.” She said shortly

“Ok, I will bring it later, ” he said gladly.

“Does this mean  we are friends?” He asked jokingly.

“Nope we are not, you just got accepted as our student.” She said sounding more serious

The way he said it brought a smile to her face.

Oh My! Her smiley face was so adorable. She’s more attractive when she smiles. Oh God, make this your beautiful creature mine. Everything about her was so lovable.

They keep quiet for some time then chat for some moment.

Khadija wonders who’s the lucky man there with Amatullah as she sees them from far away.

It’s when she comes closer that she sees Ayatullah, no wonder it must be him.

So we have a new friend, she said after coming closer.

“No new student.” Ummi cut her quickly,

“Yes, new student,” Ayatullah said, shaking his head confirming Ummi’s words.

They all burst into laughter happily.

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