If you've ever finished a great book and found yourself struggling to reconnect with the real-world, you may have had what's called a "book hangover." They can last for up to two weeks. 😁
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I am a Novelist, a Screenwriter, a movie Producer/Director and a Screenwriting trainer in Kannywood movie industry.
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Assalamu Alaikum Welcome to my page Am Fadeelatu 😘 Writer_Novelist✍️ Biochemist, A writer is a person who uses written words in different writing styles and techniques to communicates ideas, However a certain amount of knowledge and skills are required to be a successful writer. Let's get to the point I started writing stories in the year January,2020 and then I started publishing on February,2020, Actually I've never think of being an online writer, though never think of publishing a novel in my entire life Suddenly things change and so far I decided to bring up something new in my life, Then I thought about writing a book which i spoked with my sister with advice and she encourage me trying to motivate me make me believe that anyone can become an author with or without a formal education, Trust me writing can be hard sometimes but it's doesn't have to be lonely. And i started with the first chapter of the story with out knowing how to arrange the words not untill when I sat down on my own and I found it not too difficult to do that. Well, To be an author I thought it's gonna be something very easy just to create a story, but when I come a cross it that into the middle of the story, Wallahi its shocked me because i found it difficult....from then i realised that books are an escaped from reality, and then i write the book or create story that wants to be written. I thank Allah (Subhanahu Wata'alah) who grant me privileged, He gave me the opportunity to be an Author. And also using this medium to thank you fans for encouraging me with your viewings and votings. 1. WACECE NI 2. RAYUWAR JIDDA 3. NAJMAH 4. UMMI KWARAS 5. AL'ADARMU and 6. ALMAJIRA 7.SOFIA 8. FITILAR KWAI 9. DRUG ADDICT 10.RANDAR ƊAKA Above are my novels you all can found it at Wattpad @Dielaibrahim Love y'all 😘😘😘
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Future Agriculturalist insha Allah, Muslima living in Kano, a typical Hausa girl with creative writing as my passion
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Allah☝️ Rasul ✌️ Proudly Muslima Pray for me when am gone ♥️ TIGF📿🕌🕋 ☆Just_amyra_h☆ Daddy’s gurl 💝 Ta biyun su Babbar su Writer✍️ 08:31🎊 💚
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Marubuciyar Kowa Ya Kwana Lafiya, Zuciya, Sirri, Ina Muka Dosa?, Mafarin Lamarin, Akaran Kaina, A Mafarkina
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Habiba Abubakar imam marubuciyar Ina mafita Turiri Bakin duhu Yantattun Mata Yana iya Mugun butulci Musabbabi Kalubale Garin kallon ruwa Babbar illa Ds
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Habiba Maina Jibrin also known as Habiba Maina is a Nigerian Hausa writer, author, Podcast host, nature photographer and poem artist.
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Idan har rayuwata ba ta zamo mai amfani ga kowa ba, to mutuwata ba za ta zamo rashi ga kowa ba.
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I'm Jamila Lawal Zango i'm dwelling in Kaduna State. I'm a writer i like reading book, then i'm also a student in A.b.u.
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Writer ✍️📚 Nainarh KD Nkd's 👑💋 Dp & Graphics Designer 🪄 Life is filled with possibilities.🌍💫❤️
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Khadija Muhammad Shitu. Popularly known as K_shitu, Novelist par excellence.
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There was beauty in the way she wore her vulnerability. Unapologetic bookish.
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Idan har ka taba k'aruwa da littafina ta kowacce siga, ka tayani rokon Allah da ya yafe kuskure na, ya jikan iyaye na. Na gode.
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Author/presenter/Counselor for women SARAUTA 👑. Writer's Queen/lifestyle/ interrupt ❌ C.e.o MANYAN MATA/ ELEGANT ONLINE WRTS.
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Marubuciyar : Sauyin rayuwa, Nasmah ko nasirah, Sara da sassaƙa, Indo a birni, So bai san jini ba, Ruɗanin zuciya biyu, Doctor Hassan, Aminaina ko ita? Gelle ɓingel, Jalala, Buri uku, Hatsabibiya saude, Biyu a ɗaya, lokacina ne, Kulalliya.
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I love my love. I am proud of all my loved ones and I love you like the one who is not able to say their hands cannot write. I am a popular writer
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A.k.a CANDY 🦋 Writer✍️ Muslimah 🤲 Proudly Nigerian 🇳🇬 Kuma Bahaɗejia 🐎
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Marubuciyar Rayuwar Najwa, Matar Saddik da kuma Yar Fulani Ce. Ina son rubutu domin yana isar da mutuntaka inda ban taka ba, kuma yana isar da amon muryata bigiren da ban je ba, tare da isar da sakon dake tattare da tsokar dake tsakanin awazuna.
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Graphic designer Fashion designer Songwriter Listener Thinker Singer Writer
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Sunana Usaina salisu,daga Daura jahar Katsina shekara 21,nafara rubuta littafi tun 2021 har yazuwa ƴanzu nayi littafi biyar har wanda nayi sabo Sa'adatu
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I was born and brought up in Kano state, Nigeria. I went to FCE Kano and also attended Guiding Light Computer Training Centre. I am now working at Khadijat Memorial Hospital as Security Officer.
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